Aerolíneas adds new special flights


The airline confirmed new flights from Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Miami and Madrid.
April 29, 2020 – Aerolíneas Argentinas confirmed four new special flights.
For the domestic flights network, a new flight is scheduled to depart from Rio de Janeiro on May 6. Two days after that, on May 8, a flight will depart from São Paulo. This flight will allow Brazilian residents to fly on the outbound segment.
For the international flights network, a flight from Miami has been scheduled for May 8, and another from Madrid will arrive in Argentina on May 12.
In the aggregate, these 4 new flights account for 800 Argentine citizens who will be able to return to the country through the special flights operated by Aerolíneas Argentinas.
These are in addition to the 60 special flights already operated by the company, which, starting on March 18, have allowed more than 18,000 Argentine passengers to return to Argentina from Miami, Madrid, London, Barcelona, Punta Cana, Cancun, Bogota, Quito, Lima, Montevideo, San Salvador de Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Porto Seguro and Florianopolis.
It is worth mentioning that, some days ago, Aerolíneas Argentinas announced a special flight from Barcelona, which is scheduled to arrive in Argentina on May 3, as well as another flight from London, scheduled to arrive on May 5. Neither route is used by Aerolíneas Argentinas to operate regular flights.
“I would like to congratulate once again all the company areas involved in this unprecedented operation, for the huge effort that they make every day to operate these flights and to make our contribution during this world health crisis,” stated Pablo Ceriani, President of Aerolíneas Argentinas.
It is important to highlight that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship is the authority that defines the lists of passengers based on the priorities established by health protocols. Said modality applies to exceptional flights. That is why passengers have been asked to make their requests through the consular offices.
Lastly, in addition to the special flights, the company has scheduled a total of 8 flights from Shanghai, China, with the purpose of bringing medical supplies, reagents and health materials to the country, for their distribution and use in the Argentine Public Healthcare System.