A new andean condor: rescued and now free


Buenos Aires, May 11th, 2018 – On Thursday, May 10, Aerolíneas Argentinas carried POLOC (meaning strength in the Huarpean language), an Andean Condor, to the city of San Luis to be freed in San Francisco del Monte de Oro.

The animal suffered a poison condition and was rescued in the city of Luján, Province of San Luis, on January 12.

Initially, the Ministry of the Environment of San Luis referred Poloc to the Wildlife Preservation Center of the Province of San Luis, where first aid was administered. Once stabilized, it was carried by Aerolíneas Argentinas to the Ecopark of Buenos Aires, within the framework of the Andean Condor Conservation Program.

Besides Poloc, Aerolíneas Argentinas had carried another Andean Condor from San Luis on May 4, and a third one from Trelew on May 7 to the Ecopark of Buenos Aires.

During 2017 and together with Fundación Bioandina Argentina, Aerolíneas Argentinas took part in the rehabilitation of 13 condors. During this year, it has already carried six animals.

The freeing of Poloc was supported by Fundación Bioparc, Grand Parc Puy du Fou, SOS Faune Sauvage, AFdPZ and Beauval Nature from France and the Ministry of the Environment, Field and Production of the Province of San Luis.

An ancestral ceremony in charge of the communities of Ranquel and Huarpe was performed when Poloc returned to its natural environment, and a prayer was offered based on a request for harmony among all forms of life.

So far, 173 condors have been reintroduced throughout South America by the Binational Andean Condor Conservation Program.