Aerolíneas Argentinas will transport people facing gender-based violence


March 13 – Yesterday, Aerolíneas Argentinas committed to take action to contribute to preventing and addressing situations concerning gender-based violence and to foster equality and diversity policies in the Argentine flag carrier. This was done through an agreement executed in the offices located at Aeroparque, in the City of Buenos Aires, by and between Elizabeth Gómez Alcorta, the minister of Women, Gender and Diversity of Argentina, and Pablo Ceriani, President of Aerolíneas Argentinas.

With this agreement in place, Aerolíneas Argentinas will transport both people facing situations of gender-based violence and family members of femicide, travesticide and transfemicide victims in flights exceeding 1000 kilometers and from destinations that are already part of the company’s scheduled routes.

Besides, the company will promote Line 144 and other programs and projects dealing with prevention and assistance for people facing gender-based violence fostered by the Argentine Women, Gender and Diversity Ministry (MMGyD, for its Spanish acronym).

“This agreement is so important because of how meaningful it is that a Government-owned company like Aerolíneas Argentinas commits to working together with the Women, Gender and Diversity Ministry to prevent violence. What is essential for us is the support they will provide with the transport of people facing gender-based violence or of family members of femicide, trasvesticide and transfemicide victims, concerning how we address these situations. Besides, it is worth highlighting how crucial it is that the company commits to promoting Line 144 and the different policies that the ministry carries out,” stated Elizabeth Gomez Alcorta.

“Lastly, and as regards the implementation of the Equality Program (Programa Igualar), we believe it is crucial that each company implements policies fostering gender equality and diversity. We believe that the fact that Government-owned companies are undertaking this responsibility should make them an example to be followed by the rest of the companies of the country. In order to reduce gender inequality, all social actors must undoubtedly be committed to this cause,” stated the Women, Gender and Diversity minister.

Finally, Aerolíneas Argentinas will conduct campaigns, within the framework of the MMGyD’s Equality Program, for the promotion and protection of women’s rights and the rights of the members of the LGBTI+ community, and take action as regards gender, equality, diversity, and prevention policies, as well as train the staff to identify and address gender-based violence situations during flights.

“This agreement with the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity is a key milestone for Aerolíneas Argentinas, since it will allow us to go deeper into gender perspective within the company and continue working towards equality, through training and by raising awareness. Our company has broad, federal reach, which is why we believe it is essential to work on equality, inclusion, and diversity policies both within Aerolíneas Argentinas and as regards our passengers. We believe in this and will keep on working in that direction,” asserted Pablo Ceriani, President of Aerolíneas Argentinas.

Lara González Carvajal, Chief of Ministers, Josefina Kelly Neila, Secretary of Policies against Gender-based Violence, and Cecilia Merchán, Secretary of Equality and Diversity Policies, were also part of the meeting on behalf of the MMGyD. On behalf of Aerolíneas Argentinas, María Tomei, Director of Human Capital, Luciana Merelle, Coordinator of Gender and Diversity, and Mariana González Carrera, Internal Communications Manager, were also present.