Mile chart to fly with SkyTeam airlines and Gol Líneas Aéreas


Use your miles to travel with all member airlines of the SkyTeam alliance through our webpage / My Plus Account (except for flights with Kenya Airways, in which case tickets have to be issued at Aerolíneas Argentinas offices or through our WhatsApp).

Economy Argentina South America Mexico / the Caribbean United States / Canada Hawaii Europe Middle East North Africa South and Central Africa

North Asia

Southeast Asia India / Southwest Asia South Pacific
Argentina   16250 45500 45500 52000 65000 97500 78000 104000 110500 110500 110500 123500
South America   16250 45500 45500 52000 71500 104000 84500 110500 84500 117000 117000 130000
Mexico / the Caribbean     16250 22100 39000 52000 65000 52000 78000 78000 91000 91000 117000
United States / Canada       16250 26000 45500 65000 52000 78000 65000 65000 65000 91000
Hawaii           65000 91000 78000 104000 52000 65000 65000 78000
Europe           16250 39000 26000 52000 52000 58500 52000 110500
Middle East             19500 32500 52000 52000 58500 52000 110500
North Africa               26000 45500 58500 65000 45500 104000
South and Central Africa                 39000 71500 71500 52000 110500
North Asia                   26000 39000 39000 65000
Southeast Asia                     26000 39000 65000
India / Southwest Asia                         71500
South Pacific                         22100


Business Argentina South America Mexico / the Caribbean United States / Canada Hawaii Europe Middle East North Africa South and Central Africa North Asia Southeast Asia India / Southwest Asia South Pacific
Argentina   32500 91000 91000 104000 130000 195000 156000 208000 221000 221000 221000 247000
South America   32500 91000 91000 104000 143000 208000 169000 221000 169000 234000 234000 260000
Mexico / the Caribbean     32500 44200 78000 104000 130000 104000 156000 156000 182000 182000 234000
United States / Canada       32500 52000 91000 130000 104000 156000 130000 130000 130000 182000
Hawaii           130000 182000 156000 208000 104000 130000 130000 156000
Europe           32500 78000 52000 104000 117000 130000 104000 208000
Middle East             39000 65000 104000 104000 117000 104000 221000
North Africa               52000 91000 117000 130000 91000 208000
South and Central Africa                 78000 143000 143000 104000 221000
North Asia                   52000 78000 78000 130000
Southeast Asia                     52000 78000 130000
India / Southwest Asia                         143000
South Pacific                         44200