Ticket Refund

IMPORTANT: If you wish to obtain a ticket refund due to the coronavirus pandemic, please check first our flexible changes policy to use your ticket. Check the Coronavirus Commercial Policy.

In order to request a ticket refund, before filling in the following form, please bear in mind:

  • Refunds may only be requested during the term of validity of the ticket, i.e. 12 months from the date it was issued. 
  • Refunds may only be processed if allowed by the purchased fare, subject, in all cases, to the corresponding penalties pursuant to the rules applicable to the relevant fare.
  • If the ticket was purchased online, bear in mind that, when filling in the form, you should select the same place of residence as the one selected when purchasing the ticket.
  • It is important that you accurately fill in the form with your data. Should we have any specific question, we will contact you via e-mail.
  • This form applies only to refund of tickets purchased on the Argentina website.

6 letters only

  Add Ticket 

Place the text shown in the image.